

Health spotlight: 6 ways to help reduce high blood pressure

  About one-third Americans have hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, with another 20% to 25% having pre-hypertension meaning they’re likely to develop full-blown hypertension in the future. Hypertension comes with an increased risk of stroke, heart attack and kidney failure, making it the number one cause of death in the world. While a […]

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Fitness Spotlight: 4 ways to start moving and get healthy

You’ve heard the discouraging statistics: more than two-thirds (68.8%) of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese. The numbers are even higher among Hispanic-Americans (78.8%) and African-Americans (76.7%). But while you know how important eating healthy and exercising are, like many of us with work, kids and home duties, you have a tough time. […]

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