As another school year begins – with many of our children back to a bricks-and-mortar school and many still learning from home – you’re likely looking for new ways to keep your kids’ brains stimulated and developing as they should.
Online gaming often gets a bad rap and staring at computer or TV screen all day isn’t advisable for anyone. Nevertheless educational online games can be an ideal way to enhance their learning – and keep them safely and healthfully occupied while you’re hard at work.
Online games have been shown to help with childhood development in a number of ways, including:
· Increased memorization – Games often help kids remember sequences or track story elements in order.
· Better coordination – Using a keyboard, mouse of gamepad can help kids develop better hand-eye skills.
· Faster problem solving – Games promote fast, strategic and accurate thinking to help them not only solve problems but think critically and unconventionally.
· Computer fluency – In our high-tech world, it’s important that children become familiar with how computers work, how to use a keyboard and mouse and how to safely access and browse the internet.
· Dealing with attention disorders – Studies show that online games can be useful for children who experience attention disorders by effectively holding their attention but parents should still be vigilant to ensure kids still spend time interacting and playing with other kids too.
You can find some great edutaining games here and here – and don’t forget to share your own thoughts and questions by leaving a comment for the Shop Talk blog community.

Did you know: Boys and girls both love gaming
While 97% of teen boys play video games, 83% of teen girls love them too. (Source)