As vaccinations are in full swing and as COVID-19 cases seem to be headed in the right direction, a lot of people are wondering how safe it is to travel like we did before the pandemic began.
Like much around the coronavirus, the answer is unclear. According to a PredictHQ study, more than half of people polled said they still feel unsafe getting on plane, but over a third said they’d feel safe getting on a flight if they were vaccinated.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) still counsels Americans to avoid travel unless it’s absolutely necessary. But if you need to get away, here are a few tips to keep in mind:
· Wait until you’re fully vaccinated for COVID-19 – wait two weeks after your second dose to make sure you’re fully protected.
· Get a viral test 1 to 3 days before you travel, make sure you test negative and keep a copy of your results in case you’re asked to show proof.
· Check travel restrictions in the state or country you’re travelling to — you may still be required to quarantine or be tested wherever you’re headed.
· Continue to wear a mask in public, including on planes, buses or trains.
· Continue to avoid crowds and stay 6 feet away from anyone you didn’t travel with.
· Continue cleaning your hands often or use hand sanitizer.
· Continue avoiding touching your face.
· Be prepared to get tested when you return and self-quarantine for a full 7 days.
If you’re not sure, it’s a good idea to check out the websites of official tourism boards and government websites — like the CDC — or ask your trusted travel advisor, who are probably more up to date with what’s safe and what requirements are for different destinations than anyone. You can also consult the Coronavirus Reopening America Map and the Covid Risk Assessment Planning Tool to help you gauge the risks. You’ll also find more helpful answers to your questions here.
Have you travelled during the pandemic or are you planning to soon? Share what you know with the Shop Talk community – the more information we all know, the safer we’ll all be!

Did you know? Is air travel safe?
Yes and no. Because of how air circulates on airplanes, most viruses don’t spread that easily. That’s the good news. The not-so-good news is that it’s hard to socially distance on a flight and flying requires a lot of time in security lines and surrounded by other people. (Source)
I would be so scared to travel anywhere on a plane. There are too many types of the virus and so little is known. I would rather stay home and be safe.
can covid spread through shared ciculated air?
The vaccination numbers are good If people choose that is their legal American right as legal citizens. I would like to see them travel in the United States and support Small & big American businesses. If flights require mask, please use them and don’t make an issue out of it.
We have no plans to travel right now but if I had, I would not do so yet.
Sigh .. fully vaccinated and still requiring that they be REQUIRED to test before getting to the airport with full documentation of the test?
Now that is what I call excessive (and yes, for the record, I’m Retired Military and know what my International Certificates of Vaccination state .. this is way beyond anything I’ve ever had to do even while coming back from overseas).
The real key here is that I am still very leery of going through TSA (especially since I do have prosthetics, my medications and my CPAP machine — I was always revolted by TSA Before this covid going through my CPAP Machine’s bag with my meds and touching the med containers (and my CPAP hose, etc). Given that I’ve had ignorant TSA agents demand that my Metal be removed (HELLO — you are NOT going to remove what is implanted — are you my Surgeon? Then don’t start messing around with things you do not understand!).
Plus, the real worry here is not the aircraft, it is the BIG CITIES I will have to deboard and then transfer to another flight. The CITIES are where the worst problems are (not just covid, but the violence/hate), so it is what makes me concerned about booking a flight at this time. (Especially given how much the current administration and Congress have expressed their discrimination by their legislation shoved through).
No, not on a plane. In a car with limited family and going places that is less populated I would go. I don’t like crowds anyway….never have so this pandemic hasn’t changed me much except to wear a mask and I’m ok with wearing a mask. I’m not vaccinated and I’m not getting vaccinated. That’s my choice. But again not that it matters, I stay away from people and I like it that way.
Nice info
I love to travel so it’s about time we get back to normal.
I’ve traveled twice in the past year to and from Las Vegas, both times during the pandemic. What a difference a year made. This year the airport and flights were full. And forget about finding a ride share to be available for at least 2 hours. I plan to travel again this summer. I’ve been vaccinated and am dilligent about staying safe. I always wear a mask and keep my distance, such as it is. I don’t expect anything to ever be like it was before the outbreak.
I would not feel safe traveling oversees.
I flew before I was vaccinated and after and always felt safe flying. I would wear my mask and do the social distancing where it was required. The seats were always left open in the middle so that no one sat by me.
In a totally enclosed space with recycled air and folks who may or may not follow COVID-19 precautions…
No, it’s not safe to fly! As much as I miss traveling long distances I avoid planes. If I go anywhere, I travel by car with people who are vaccinated to visit people who are vaccinated.
I hope hope to travel this fall/winter holiday season. Hopefully, i well be able to drive myself. If not, I will travel by bus and wear my mask.
Hi there. Bout time. As we sees deescalate from a historical year, it is good to stop and smell the roses. One down and many more to go. Peace out.
I don’t fly so it doen’t matter to me if it is safe or not.
I think it’s safe to fly. I haven’t flown for many years, but I would feel safe if I decided to fly again.
A few of my directors have already been flying. The lines at the airport a socially distanced at 6 feet, but then everyone is seated next to each other on the planes. I find this very funny. I don’t think I’m the only one.
I have family I want to visit, but I think I’ll still wait till next year.
We just returned from a trip to the National Parks in Utah. It seems everyone is traveling. Planes were full. Airports were busy. I’m grateful to be vaccinated.
Bottom line is, this vaccine has not been proven 100 percent safe anywhere, by anyone. Therefore, I will not travel and I will still “keep my distance’ and wear a mask.