The last few years brought more stress and anxiety than usual for many as we took refuge in our homes and tried to make the most of our surroundings with simple things — many of us, for instance, become pet or plant parents!
Our personal and private space at home is vital — not just to provide security and comfort but also to improve our mental health and wellness. From the paint colors we use on our walls to lighting, textiles and textures, furniture and wall art, all play an important role in evoking positive emotional response that make us feel at ease.
It shouldn’t be a surprise then that calm and cozy are the watchwords for interior design in 2023. Here are some trends to look out for:
· Easygoing materials like cotton, velvet, linen, flannel, wood and clay will figure prominently in home décor.
· Mixing old and new — We still love midcentury style but balance it with 21st century modern accents and colors.
· It’s natural — House plants and gardens were just the beginning. The trend continues to grow with cork, rattan, wood and terracotta, as well as large indoor trees and lots of flowers.
· Smarter and smarter — Smart home technology continues grow in importance with intelligent apps to control temperature, lighting, music and even beds and sofas that adapt to the user.
· Hybrid life — Home offices are no longer afterthought rooms where your kids used to sleep. They’re increasingly being thoughtfully designed with comfy and stylish desks and chairs and soothing paint colors.
· Speaking of color… — Nature takes precedence here too with shades of terracotta, mint, peacock blue, charcoal and warm whites.
And what’s on its way out in the new year? Acrylic, check plaids, uber minimalism, matte-black bathroom and kitchen hardware and blush hues.
For more on the latest trends for the year, click here. And please remember to share your thoughts and your favorite =design trends with the Shop Talk community.

Did you know? Meet you in the kitchen
Décor in everyone’s favorite room in the house continue to trend to stainless steel, natural stone, wood and ceramic — keep it soothing and comfy!