Health spotlight: How to avoid injuries as you age

In a little over 10 short years, every Baby Boomer will be over 65 years old and seniors will make up one quarter of the population. That means a lot more gray hair but it also means a whole generation used to being active also being a lot more prone to age-related injuries.

It’s believed our health is the result of four main factors: age, fitness, nutritional health and genetics. There’s not a lot we can do about age and genetics – and we’ve talked about nutrition elsewhere at Shop Talk – so let’s cover a few ways to ensure we stay fit without injuring ourselves as we get older.

A little less pain and gain – When you were younger and invincible, a little pain was par for the course. But as you get into your 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond, pain can be a warning sign that you shouldn’t ignore. If you feel something’s not right, stop and seek medical attention or help from a health practitioner.

Never stop moving – This may sound like the opposite of the last tip but it’s not. You should never ignore pain, nor should you let it stop you from staying active. Without overdoing it, get out of bed and off your couch and walk, bike, swim, golf or dance – at least two hours a week.

Stay strong – It’s inevitable that you’re going to lose muscle mass as you get older but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fight it every step of the way. Building and strengthening lean muscle keeps you healthy, less likely to get injured, burns calories and strengthens your bones. If you’re a gym bunny, great, but you don’t have to be – simple resistance exercises at home can do the trick. Again, speak to a certified trainer or health pro before doing anything out of your comfort zone.

Be smart – Whatever activities you do, remember to use the appropriate sports gear, wear a helmet when it makes sense to, warm up before you work out, cool down and stretch when you’re done, and drink lots and lots of water!

What tips do you have for staying healthy and injury free as you get older? Please share your experiences and ideas with the Shop Talk blog community forum.

Did you know? Preventing falls

In part due to loss of muscle mass, declining vision and balance and medications, falls are the most common cause of injury in people 65+. Be vigilant, stay fit and understand the side effects of the meds you take.

29 thoughts on “Health spotlight: How to avoid injuries as you age

  1. Iam 52 and I cant move like I use I get right take multiple vitamin and i walker alot.

  2. I try to avoid falling, but sometimes things we cannot control , makes us more prone to fall. I have fallen 4 times . A large reason why is after I had bariatric surgery, it left alot of excess skin hanging. My abdomen and legs. It causes alot if pain and imbalance . I have been fighting for 3 years to get a pantiplectomy. I cannot exercise because of it and knees that are eroding and bone on bone.

  3. Get off the devices, stay in touch with loved ones, outside is better than inside, visit a local place you have never been to before and go with someone else. laugh and to hell with PC

  4. I’m 58 and through the years of hard work and going into another situation more relaxed physically but not mentally, I have now become obese. I get up, eat breakfast, do house chores first, mopping, vaccuum. Then after that do a routine of exercises of cardio glider, areobic, bike, just a few minutes of each but in rounds of three, 30 minutes. Then after that I do arm exercises. Try to watch what I eat, not as good as I should. I have terrible pain in my feet. Use to walk, can’t walk far anymore. Can’t lose weight. I have a rare condition that’s called takayasu arteris, not artheritis, minus the h, this is a closing of an artery, rare and and an condition that mostly asians get. As far as I know I’m white, don’t know what to do. I have to take pills the rest of my life for this. It just makes exercise harder and I get tired quicker. Is there anyone else that has this condition?

  5. I am a “Stay Fit Calaveras” instructor and student. This program started July of 2018. I instruct Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention. All ages welcome, but “seasoned” students fill most classes. Also offered is Seated Strength Training. I am a student in this class.
    I have found even though I do aerobics, Zumba Gold Fitness, balance, and strength training is needed. Many of my students have commented that their balance, and stress levels have improved, Strength Training, with bands, has given stronger core. I believe “move it, or lose it” Balance is important for us “seasoned” people??☺

  6. It really is allot to get use to aging.
    The daily things we take for granted that we have been doing our entire lives take on a whole new meaning. With failing eyesight,hearing,moving a bit slower, it certainly is different. I myself try to stay active, i am always moving, never sitting.
    I can’t even imagine what the years to come will bring.Hopefully I will be able to function enough to care for myself.I don’t really want to think any other way about aging.

  7. I have my mother living with us and I provide medical care for her. She is 69 and she suffers from dementia, diabetes and personal care that I must do for her each day. It is a very hard job to take care of her and I get frustrated a lot but I love her sooooooo very much!!!

  8. There are a lot of ways to stay healthy and fit but what I always believe in is a teaspoon of Olive Oil is so healthy that my uncle lived to be 99 but there are ways that can break you and don’t do anything for you health whys

  9. I really agree with the don’t stop moving!!! IMO sometimes things hurt more if you do not stretch or move them. Also because the older you get the harder is is to lose weigh or keep weight off. Exercise any exercise will make help for the better.

  10. It’s an interesting story. As little as 2 hours a week can make a difference. That’s encouraging!

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