Once upon a time, if you were planning a vacation adventure, you’d likely spend hours researching it—buying travel books from Fodor’s Travel or Lonely Planet, asking friends who’ve taken similar trips, as well as surfing online for tour operators, hotel, hostel or campground rating sites and places to sightsee, shop and eat at once you get there. It was often exhaustingly time-consuming and, even when you were ready to pack your bags, you were never quite sure what to expect once you reached your destination.
Then travel vlogs were born. “Vlog” stands for video blog or video log, a type of blog where most of the content is in video format. So, a travel vlog is a video blog created by intrepid travelers, documenting their experiences.
With our hope that travel gears up back to normal later this year, here are some of our favorite travel vloggers to guide you around the world when the time is right:
Hey Nadine: One of the top female travel vloggers on YouTube, Nadine shares her fashion, food and entertainment travel experiences in Russia, Turkey, France and beyond, including useful travel tips and hacks.
Mark Wiens: If you love food and travel, Mark is your guy. With currently 1.5 billion views of his videos, Mark has explored the world from Pakistan and India to Thailand, China and Japan. Some of his most popular vlogs are street food tours but he reports on high-end delicacies as well.
Soniastravels: Described as a female travel MacGyver, Sonia has toured around the world from Milan to Paris and Miami, offering great travel tips, including how to keep your valuables safe at the beach, how to survive long flights and what to do about swollen ankles!
Sailing La Vagabonde: If sailing is your passion or your dream, Australian couple Riley and Elayna vlog everything you want to know about boat life and sailing around the world.
If you want to explore more of the best travel vloggers, check out here, here and here.
Where are you itching to travel once it’s safe to do so? Share your dream destinations and experiences with the Shop Talk community!

Did you know? Vloggers are #1
Travel vloggers attract nearly half of all travel channel subscriptions on YouTube, while travel brands like hotels and tours only get 19%. Why? People trust amateurs and believe they’re more authentic. (Source)
Not interested in the least. I don’t travel . I doubt I would be interested in anything these people are doing. Thanks but no thanks.
i love to go on cruises but not comfortable doing so until covid has been eradicated.
I am currently only planning road trips, to our timeshare as soon as it opens up again
Tennessee & Kentucky ,I’ll travel whether the “covid” is in affect or not. i am a free person Z& the government will not tell me i can’t travel!
We love to go to the Gulf Shores in Alabama Between hurricanes and pandemics, that hasn’t been possible. We are trying to set something up to get down there as soon as possible.
Funny thing is that I don’t research my travel before I go. I have older relatives in 3 states and I would visit them by flying there and determine ground transport when I get there (either they pick me up or I figure out public transit and it’s an adventure!). Until this year I travel up to 250 miles each weekend in the warm weather to perform at Renaissance Faires, state/county fairs and unusual events. I just bring canned food and camp out at these events. My phone GPS tells me how to get there.
I find traveling fun and simple. I love visiting with my family, exploring the areas I’m visiting and seeing friends. I don’t need input from others to figure out where I want to go and to have a good time.
Not planning on any travel until this virus is dead and gone for good…
My husband and I are use to traveling to Reno or Vegas at least 3-4 times a year. Wev been doing this for at least 15-20 years and although it’s a long 10-12 hr round trip drive, getting away from it all is worth the many hours in the car. It’s an adventure with things to look forward to including eating the buffets to winning hopefully, a bit of change. We get good deals and freebies on rooms, free play, and food. All our kids are out of the house, we are retired, we feel we have paid our dues. Now because of the Virus, we have not traveled in almost 2 years. I think when we know it is safe if ever, we may do one more trip even though we both are getting well up in years. It’s something to look forward to.
Wow!! Living in one of the most beautiful national parks in America. People, you are missing out on waterfalls, hiking trails, AND beauty beyond your imagination. I am in awe when I commune with Mother Nature. It makes one feel like an elephant and AN ant; all at at the same time! Can you even experience anything like it? No you can’t in an urban/ suburban area entrenched with concrete and structures. Why not get away from the hustle/bustle AND live LIFE, even for a day or two! You will feel invigorated with beauty, fresh air, AND wildlife. Come, let’s go down to the river to PRAY! DRH
No way. Sorry. Nope.
This sounds very interesting,I would like to learn more about it, and do the same thing when I relocate after thirty years here in La Jolla,
Travel vlog’s are entertaining and informative. Since the advent of youtube, video has become the main way I research many topics, including travel. There are travel vlogs for practically every specific travel interest. (I wish i could become a travel vlogger! This seems like the perfect job – getting paid for doing something I’m passionate about).
I am not planning on traveling anywhere within the next 3-5 years and think that anyone who is planning to is being either overly optimistic or doesn’t understand the risks and long-term effects associated with COVID-19. I am planning on continuing to limit any trips to those of necessity like grocery shopping, getting prescriptions, etc.
(shoppers voice SV)
Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering ,for he who has promoised is faithful
Hebrews 10:25
(shoppers voice SV)
When we didnt have electricity for a few years ,my friend had our eletrical system ,which was set up with batteries,self powered electricity,it works ,maintain.
(shoppers voice SV)
Cooking,I love to cook ,most of the time,my boyfriends a good cook when he wants to be.Good cooking done right,county cooking,ok
5:21am (32)
(shopper voice SV)
Auto _The old saying goes it aint broke dont fix it,leave it alone,let it be.
(shoppers voice SV)
Gearing up for travel 2021,Im not interested in travel abroad,I am a homebody and perfer to be at home.
Thanks anyway
Not perfered
5:00 am Alabama
Better to find out through official sources what are some of the better known (and lesser known) sites that you can explore no matter where you are at or where you go.
I also would recommend that one (if a US Citizen) read the State Department’s tips for the region/nation you are intending to go to for a visit (so you can be aware of threats, dangers, what to do, where to go if something happens, etc).
Finally, do NOT vlog or blog while in another place than your home. You are asking for trouble, especially if others are trolling the social networks to find new ‘victims’. It is better to just take your photos, keep them safe and secure, get your little souvenirs and memories, and then after you get home, be judicious in what you share ON LINE!.
And most importantly, leave to someone you trust your daily schedule and destination(s) so that they know where you are and can follow up if you don’t resume contact with them by x time span. This is especially important for the SINGLE Traveler – for you are far more vulnerable than folks that are traveling in pairs or groups. Know the local language before you go as well so you can navigate and communicate clearly at least on a basic level if there’s some problem. And make sure to check your health insurance/accident insurance – get travel insurance if you need to (even for your health) since you could end up with tremendously high bills to pay if something happens healthwise (or something bad happens and you or someone else passes away far from home).
Bottom line, I NEVER .. not ever .. post photos of some site UNTIL afterwards and then I CHOOSE what to post based on selection. NOT everything should be posted nor blogged about. (and most of these vloggers/bloggers are not trustworthy either).