Once upon a time, if you were planning a vacation adventure, you’d likely spend hours researching it—buying travel books from Fodor’s Travel or Lonely Planet, asking friends who’ve taken similar trips, as well as surfing online for tour operators, hotel, hostel or campground rating sites and places to sightsee, shop and eat at once you get there. It was often exhaustingly time-consuming and, even when you were ready to pack your bags, you were never quite sure what to expect once you reached your destination.
Then travel vlogs were born. “Vlog” stands for video blog or video log, a type of blog where most of the content is in video format. So, a travel vlog is a video blog created by intrepid travelers, documenting their experiences.
With our hope that travel gears up back to normal later this year, here are some of our favorite travel vloggers to guide you around the world when the time is right:
Hey Nadine: One of the top female travel vloggers on YouTube, Nadine shares her fashion, food and entertainment travel experiences in Russia, Turkey, France and beyond, including useful travel tips and hacks.
Mark Wiens: If you love food and travel, Mark is your guy. With currently 1.5 billion views of his videos, Mark has explored the world from Pakistan and India to Thailand, China and Japan. Some of his most popular vlogs are street food tours but he reports on high-end delicacies as well.
Soniastravels: Described as a female travel MacGyver, Sonia has toured around the world from Milan to Paris and Miami, offering great travel tips, including how to keep your valuables safe at the beach, how to survive long flights and what to do about swollen ankles!
Sailing La Vagabonde: If sailing is your passion or your dream, Australian couple Riley and Elayna vlog everything you want to know about boat life and sailing around the world.
If you want to explore more of the best travel vloggers, check out here, here and here.
Where are you itching to travel once it’s safe to do so? Share your dream destinations and experiences with the Shop Talk community!

Did you know? Vloggers are #1
Travel vloggers attract nearly half of all travel channel subscriptions on YouTube, while travel brands like hotels and tours only get 19%. Why? People trust amateurs and believe they’re more authentic. (Source)
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Casey, who works at the DG in Startzville, TX (next to the Bare Bull BBQ) is the poster person for customer service. Always with a smile, always in a good mood, always helpful. The kind of person that brightens life regardless of the kind of day you’ve having. From my experience, customer service is a tough gig. Casey seems to thrive on it.
If I were DG, I would take VERY good care of Casey. Also, I would do all I could to search out any other Caseys and , if I found any, I would hire every last one of them. You wouldn’t be going wrong!