A lot of people assume, because Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese and the national language is Portuguese, that Brazilian food is pretty much what you’d find in Portugal or even Spain.
This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, though cultural connections exist with the mother country, Brazil and especially its cuisine are unique and wonderful.
Whether you’re traveling to world-class cities like Sao Paulo or legendary Rio de Janeiro or simply driving across town to explore Brazilian fare, there’s a colorful/colourful, and delicious assortment to choose from.
- Churrasco: Perhaps Brazil’s most famous food export, Brazilian barbecue – or churrasco – are skewers of beef, pork, lamb, sausage and chicken cooked over a grill or roasted on charcoal embers. Mouthwateringly delicious!
- Feijoada: This hearty stew beloved in all four corners of Brazil is brimming with black beans, pork and sausage takes 24 hours to make. It’s usually served with rice, kale, pork scratchings and orange slices.
- Acarajé: Not advised if you’re on a diet, this street food with roots in African cooking consists of a deep-fried black-eyed pea patty stuffed with dried shrimp, prawn puree, cashews and more.
- Quindim: For dessert, but probably still not for calorie-reduced diets, this sweet egg, sugar and coconut delicacy is baked like cupcakes and topped with custard. To die for.
- Açaí: A recent import to North America, this superfood berry is used in Brazilian food but is known primarily as a thick energy drink, often topped with granola, and downed by Rio surfers and beachgoers in Ipanema and Copacabana. The cartons of it you may buy in the supermarket, often watered down with other conventional berries, don’t do justice to the pure, unadulterated juice of the gods.
What Brazilian foods have you enjoyed or want to try? Share your two cents with the Shop Talk Blog community forum!
Did you know: Guarana is it
While Brazilians love cola as much as the rest of the world, several soft drinks are made from guarana, a local fruit that has twice the concentration of caffeine found in coffee! (Source)
This is interesting, id like to try it
I love their bean and rice ! I lived in São Paulo 30 years yes and I do speak their langase of Portugues I!
I want to try the cola.
Been to Brazil, loved it.
I grew up in new England next too what we called little Portugal lots of food from Brasil and Portugal one of the meats i miss is Linquica love that dry garlic sausage with a side bowl of fave bean soup and crusty bread yum now I am living in the Midwest not finding that here closes thing is Hungarian sausage if cooked well done
Too much meat for my liking; I’m a fruit and veggie person! Of the foods listed, I’d try the Acarajé and the Quindim. I’m familiar with the Açaí berry, and would try their drink also. I’ll pass on any drink made with Guarana, as I avoid caffeine.
Could you please send me free samples?
I lived in Brasil for 7 years and loved the Feojoada! The churrasca, caipirinhas! ??❤️
I’ll stick to rice and beans . I’m also vegetarian. It’s great food
I would like to try this
I would love to try the foods
Love guarana in my drinks! Had no idea it was from Brazil!
I only eat American, Mexican, or Chinese. I don’t like to try new recipes from any other countries if I don’t like it, then for me it is a waste of time and money
I am game for trying anything once. I ate a big bowl of tripe in Prague, it was ok for about 10 minutes, then decided it didn’t want to stay. i try to keep an open mind when trying things, no matter where they come from. the only thing that i will not try is all the diet sodas. you loose a dare if try me to get eat/taste something, no fear or reservations.
I have never tried Brazil food so can’t really leave much information on what it tastes like
I love trying new cuisine and am a bit familiar with Brazilian delicacies. The food is rich and flavorful and I enjoy most everything I’ve tried.
You’ve omitted so much. Manioc root ground into farofa is consumed extensively. Sucos a smoothy type drink with delicious array of the abundant fruits available was on the scene decades before the popularity of smoothies and they are scrumptious. Briadeiros a delicious chocolate confection and desert. Of course theres coffee often served strong in demitasse size cups. Brazilian cooking uses a lot of seafood and fish. There are different cheeses and of course empanadas. You omitted Mate which is a tea enjoyed there and sometimes mixed with limeade. This also appeared way before the Advent of Arnold Palmer’s. Don’t forget Cachaca which serves as the spirit in caiparinas, etc. There’s more but you must get the idea of the diversity and extensive food and drink options in this huge fascinating country.
I enjoy Foods of all Cultures. I am more a Vegan style eater although I do eat meat at times. my meat consists of Chicken, Seafoods, Turkey, Beef, Pork in in moderate amounts, when I eat it.
I do enjoy portuguese chorizo, but I confess that is just about the only food I have had from Portugal or Brazil.
I ve never tried this would love to
Some very tasty looking dishes I can’t wait to try