Millions of us take a whole host of vitamin and dietary supplements on a regular basis and, with an increase in usage of these by Millennials, the trend is likely to continue. Although about half of adults take a multivitamin, as well as individual supplements like vitamin D, vitamin C, calcium and omega-3, there’s still conflicting evidence about whether or how much these nutrients actually work.
Here are few supplements gaining in popularity. Before you begin taking these or any other supplements, speak to your doctor or pharmacist.
Lutein: This naturally occurring carotenoid, synthesized in many green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and yellow carrots, is believed to help with maintaining healthy vision. Consumers have become particularly interested in lutein in recent years due to the claim it can protect against blue-light damage from our phone and tablet screens that leads to age-related macular degeneration. Lutein is also believed to improve brain and skin health.
CBD: Cannabidiol from hemp plants – from which marijuana is also derived – is also gaining popularity, in spite of whether CBD products are legal in many jurisdictions. CBD oils are believed to offer significant pain relief, combat anxiety and reduce the risk of diabetes – although many of these claims will take years to confirm scientifically.
Elderberry: As it continues growing in popularity, this flowering plant rich in flavonoids has begun crowding out two other longstanding immune-support supplements – vitamin C and echinacea. A shortage of flu medication last year shined a stronger spotlight on elderberry cold syrups and other products. It’s also believed to help with bladder and urinary tract infections, allergies and digestive health.
Collagen: The most abundant protein in your body, collagen gives shape to your skin, bones, muscles and other connective tissues. Because your body produces less of it as you get older, it’s popularity has increased as Baby Boomers look to reduce wrinkles, ease joint pain and stay healthy and active people search for ways to reduce joint wear and tear.
What nutritional supplements do you take regularly and swear by? Share your suggestions with the Shop Talk blog community forum!

Did you know? Turmeric
Turmeric, a commonly used spice in Indian curry, is a potent anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant and is believed to help prevent heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer – as well as reduce symptoms of arthritis and depression. Some health professionals deem it a fad like kale but you can incorporate it in a smoothie or curry.
I’m taking vitamin D with calcium to help with my lupus and RA
Do you recommend this ?
I do not take anything. But ….I am very interested to try elderberry and collagen. Many others also. I am 64 close to 65 and thankfully in good health. This past February I got a serious sinus infection. I went to the Dr for the first time in over 15 years. I would much rather take natural supplements than drugs. So I am game to try
I am using Osteo BiFlex to help with my joint pain and I have found relief. Sure beats having surgery.
I have tried all kind of stuff and it does not live up to the hike. So the best thing for me is stop eat so much.
I always buy many vitamins and supplements from iherb, because I’m vegan and need to help myself to stay healthy.
Has there been any research done on if it helps slow the progression of Alzheimer’s? My father has it and it is starting to progress very quickly.
I love using Turmeric in everything it has so many benefits long term.
I have not been able to get into any of this stuff. It seems overwhelming and time consuming to add different things into my diet. I maintain a fairly healthy diet as it is. Between being a mother, partner, student, and volunteer, I am spread thin enough. My doctor had me add in a vitamin d supplement. That’s good enough for me.
I take Vitamin D with calcium for my bones, take vitamin C along with iron. Take a multivitamin.
I live in Colorado where CBD, the non psycho active derivative of cannabis is readily available in all forms. From everything it is touted to be good for, you would think it is a miracle drug. I do love it for its pain relieving abilities – especially in salves or creams. I have not used it for anything other than pain relief such as joint pain. I really can’t comment on the other uses but I am a believer.
I use essential oils from doterra. Like the purity and get great results
I take Vitamin E and Vitamin D and Fish Oil and Flaxseed Oil and I am looking into what I just read about collagen and elderberry because both of those vitamins would be able to help me with being able to go more and not my body hurting me
Seven Seas Cod liver oil/capsules has been a staple on our kitchen table since I was a child.
Never tried these items but do take Multi Vitamins
So far, everything I have read about vitamins and supplements that has been researched with an study by a university or the national health institute has found no creditable value in taking extra vitamins or supplements except for vitamin D3 and folate . What most people experience is the placebo effect when taking vitamins or supplements. It is the biggest waste of money. Show the me science from an accredited study that a certain vitamin or supplement actually works and has therapeutic value. The fact is, that taking large doses of vitamins can be dangerous to a person’s health, as well as, the use of certain supplements. I would be happy to change my mind on any of these issues, but show me the real science and I will agree with you.
I just bought turmeric. I have been putting collagen on my smoothies for about 6 months now – my nails are so strong! I want to find a good CBD product for my anxiety, but the two I tried are junk. I didn’t know abut leutin, but I must get it b/c I eat a lot of leafy greens. And I just got some elderberry gummies to try; they tasted good and I might buy some.
I use chondroitin for my knees. Just hoping to stave off arthritis as long as possible.
I take vitamin C to fight off colds and Biotin to strengthen my fingernails.
I’ve been doing garcinia for a couple months and it does help suppress appetite and I feel more energetic/ I also take yohimbe , it has helped my cholesterol levels and my ED.
After a flare up up diverticulitis, my doctor told me to take a probiotic. Since I started taking one a day; I have not had another flare up and I am experiencing less frequent urinary tract infections. I also take lysine to help stave off cold sores – it works for me.