Millions of us take a whole host of vitamin and dietary supplements on a regular basis and, with an increase in usage of these by Millennials, the trend is likely to continue. Although about half of adults take a multivitamin, as well as individual supplements like vitamin D, vitamin C, calcium and omega-3, there’s still conflicting evidence about whether or how much these nutrients actually work.
Here are few supplements gaining in popularity. Before you begin taking these or any other supplements, speak to your doctor or pharmacist.
Lutein: This naturally occurring carotenoid, synthesized in many green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and yellow carrots, is believed to help with maintaining healthy vision. Consumers have become particularly interested in lutein in recent years due to the claim it can protect against blue-light damage from our phone and tablet screens that leads to age-related macular degeneration. Lutein is also believed to improve brain and skin health.
CBD: Cannabidiol from hemp plants – from which marijuana is also derived – is also gaining popularity, in spite of whether CBD products are legal in many jurisdictions. CBD oils are believed to offer significant pain relief, combat anxiety and reduce the risk of diabetes – although many of these claims will take years to confirm scientifically.
Elderberry: As it continues growing in popularity, this flowering plant rich in flavonoids has begun crowding out two other longstanding immune-support supplements – vitamin C and echinacea. A shortage of flu medication last year shined a stronger spotlight on elderberry cold syrups and other products. It’s also believed to help with bladder and urinary tract infections, allergies and digestive health.
Collagen: The most abundant protein in your body, collagen gives shape to your skin, bones, muscles and other connective tissues. Because your body produces less of it as you get older, it’s popularity has increased as Baby Boomers look to reduce wrinkles, ease joint pain and stay healthy and active people search for ways to reduce joint wear and tear.
What nutritional supplements do you take regularly and swear by? Share your suggestions with the Shop Talk blog community forum!

Did you know? Turmeric
Turmeric, a commonly used spice in Indian curry, is a potent anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant and is believed to help prevent heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer – as well as reduce symptoms of arthritis and depression. Some health professionals deem it a fad like kale but you can incorporate it in a smoothie or curry.
I might have to try some collagen for my skin and muscles.
I take Vitamin D3, B12, Multi, Omega XL, Magnesium, use Turmeric in cooking, and tried CBD but it didn’t do a thing for me.
I have always taken vitamins/supplements, but never heard of these. I am definitely looking into.
I don’t believe in supplements. Staying healthy is a matter of three things: good luck (because even if you take 50 pills a day, they won’t keep you from being run over in the street!), good genes, and Common Horse Sense (which very few people have).
Can you get turmeric in pill form cannot stand the taste of this herb
I am willing to try it all! I’m getting older and in pain everyday want to try the. CBD 0il and anything for wrinkles please.
U guys all make smoothies on a daily basis? I need to start! And for those that do, what kind of blender makes the best smoothies. One that is not going to break the bank or be too cheap. I also have limited counter space. Thx
I also use tumeric for inflammation I generally buy the root and just great it fresh so when I buy powdered I buy organic and also I heard you have to take black pepper with it so it is absorbed
I think I will try turmeric. I currently take fish oil, calcium, co q 10 and a one a day vitamin.
Warning for future Turmuric users, buying bulk turmuric in the Indian Food section of grocery store, is a good option for smoothies and shakes, but its messy and stains your clothes, teeth and turns your poop yellow! Sorry if this is TMI.
Nootropics is also a very interesting study.
I use Turmeric for carpal tunnel. At one time I had to wear a wrist brace and had constant pain but since using Turmeric I have only occasional pain and haven’t used the brace in years.
I think we put to much faith in these supplements their is no real long term data on weather they really work, pills are hard on our livers weather it a vitamin or prescriptions our bodies end up with a lot of unusable materials that our liver is forced to deal with in their natural form they may be helpful but in pill form or any processes form they could be causing more harm then good
I have taken a multi-vitamin, vitamin D and Iron pill daily for as long as I can remember. Some of these new ones sound interesting!
Have come to understand how important iodine and vitamin C are for a healthy functioning body. Most americans are deficient in these 2.
I recently bought nutritional supplements via https://wikimart.co. I bought some vitamin C to try for a start. While there was no allergy on it. For convenience, I installed the application in the browser extension and it finds the right products with the lowest prices. I like this because usually, food additives cost a lot of money.
I take the vitamins that my Dr. recommends me to take. Like vitamins A , B and also Calcium.
I use cumin
Me too.
I have turmeric daily e tea. Started just last year reading about it helping medically.
I have been taking supplements for a very long time and for the past year have been adding collagen to protein smoothies, coffee and into my soups. It has inmproved the appearance of my skin overall. I have also taken turmeric supplement capsules and I am unsure if there is any benefit, Im not noticing much, yet. As far as CBD oil, I know people wo benefit from itbut have not tried it.
I have not tried it either,although the ones I do take,I believe,are helping me stay well and live longer.I get mine from Life Extension and am on free ship for a year.They have lots of good sales.I am 72 and feel years younger.
What form do you get Collagen in? Powder, pill, capsule? I am having a tough time finding it. My skin has become paper thin and I bleed very easily now.
Turmeric is a great supplement, the active ingredient is curcumin and should contain black pepper which boosts the quantative/qualitative value of the supplement.
I can’t wait to strat trying some of these.
Turmic I have use to heal inflammation and it works wonders.