Diet Spotlight: Satisfying your sweet tooth



The average American consumes 150 lbs of sugar annually. To put that in perspective, the average man in the U.S. weighs 195 lbs, the average woman about 165 lbs. In other words, we’re eating or drinking nearly our entire weight in sugar each year.

Compare that to 100 years ago when we only consumed about 4 lbs of sugar. Which explains why 29.1 million Americans now have diabetes and another 86 million have pre-diabetes.

While you’re likely to find sugar in most foods, this month we wanted to focus on candy, or more specifically substituting sweets that aren’t loaded with sugar. The occasional and we do mean occasional candy treat isn’t terrible and won’t affect your health or weight loss goals, but there are healthier alternatives that can still satisfy your sweet tooth:

  • Fruit: You’ve heard it before but it’s true fruit is nature’s candy. Oranges, strawberries and peaches are three deliciously sweet fruits and, while they are still high in sugar, they’re still better for you than candy. Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are packed with antioxidants and fiber and are even better. And dried fruit are another healthier option. Remember that eating fruit is always better than drinking fruit juice, which can spike your blood sugar levels.
  • Applesauce: Okay, it’s sort of a fruit, kind of like how ketchup is a vegetable. Try a no-sugar-added variety. One cup only has about 50 calories.
  • Nuts: While they can be high in fat, unsalted cashews or almonds may satisfy your craving for sweets. But remember, don’t eat from the jar grab a handful and move away from the pantry!
  • Popcorn: Yes, popcorn. Look for a sweet and salty variety that satisfies your sweet and savory tooth. Flavored popcorn does have sugar but it will help you feel full on fewer calories. Sweet rice cakes hit the spot too.
  • Gum: Go for sugar-free, non-aspartame chewing gum, which has very few calories and may be enough to satisfy your craving at least till lunch or dinner.
  • All right, candy: If you insist on eating actual candy, these options are healthier anything with dark chocolate, chocolate-covered almonds, Twizzlers or Red Vines and Hershey Kisses (but only a few!)

What are your favorite non-candy candies? Tell us about them in the Shop Talk Blog community forum!




Did you know: Instead of ice cream…

Try frozen grapes! Simply rinse, dry and de-stem them, place them on a backing sheet lined with wax paper, wait four hours then eat a handful right from the freezer. Heaven!(Source)


64 thoughts on “Diet Spotlight: Satisfying your sweet tooth

  1. I love dried cranberries blueberries and cherries mixed with cashews and almonds not only is this delicious but it is healthy, good for you and filling. You’ll love it.

  2. Fortunately I am neither American nor average. I don;’t have a sweet tooth. Candy doesn’t interest me, and chocolate gives me a headache. I’d rather eat an apple, some cheese, or a handful of nuts.

  3. It was a good idea of putting the grapes in the freezer,it was tasty and enjoyable to eat instead of candy and healthy too.If you cannot drink a plain water ,you can put slices of lemon or oranges on it and put plenty of ice,Instead of eating a piece of candy when you feel hungry or you want to snak,you can have a 1/4 cup of nuts,or 1/4 cup of dreid fruits,a small apple,oranges,kiwi ,either a carrots or celery,You can peel carrots ahead of time and put on a small jar put on the bridge,when you feel hungry .,eat a stick of carrot or celery,instead of sweets,It was healthy than candy.

  4. I don’t really have a sweet tooth but every now and then want a treat. Almonds and pistachio nuts and clementines are my favorite. Also watermelon in the summer is great to satisfy that urge.

  5. i have been very sucessful in watching the amount of carbs I take in daily.I have also given up all junk food lowered my cholesterol and lost 12 lbs in 3 weeks.

  6. I do like my Twizzlers ( and jelly beans and Butterfingers and…). If I had a choice between a small bowl of cherries or a candy bar…I would choose the cherries.

  7. Love. organic green apples with organic cinnamon in between my purium power shake with added kamut. Actually changes your taste buds. Reduces your craving for candy to eliminating a taste for sweets altogether

  8. I oftimes eat dar chocolate candy bgut infrequently, like las tnight finished up bar opened fo orange cacao flavor dark. I eat nuts liek unslated peanuts, cashews, and almonds, but do not do much popcorn these days although as a kid I used to eat it in ;movie theaters but he crap theyhave now, overpriced and artificial stuff I no longer eat or sue or evne to movie theaters anymor. Berries;, dried or fresh I eat when I can and often an o range peeled to offset certain flavors and tastes left in my mouth. Lemons are used to sqlueeze jiuce on fish, and other things and sometimes baked. Occasionally I eat the slived emons with the meal. I do chew gum mu;ch of the time when out and meeting people or the like. Tha’s about it and I seldom eat candy lthta children eat nowadays or others….

  9. I love the sweet snacky stuff. Grapes replacing ice cream, that I’ve totally been craving for weeks.

  10. I really like caramel popcorn, especially Cracerjacks. I am pre-diabetic so I am always watching my sugar intake

  11. Whenever my sweet tooth starts acting up I eat some dark chocolate. To sweeten my coffee, which I don’t always, I use a teaspoon of agave. I usually use agave to sweeten my oatmeal or on my toast, instead of jelly, on my pancakes.

  12. Thanks for the reminder of frozen fruit and if u just have to have some candy, three muskateer has half the fat as most candy.

  13. You can also freeze blueberries the same way as grapes. Pop em in your mouth frozen, what a yummy treat!

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