As COVID-19 spread last year, many communities around the country saw a surge in pet adoptions and temporary fosters. It’s not hard to see why: as the pandemic kept us locked in our homes, many felt more isolated and lonely and had a lot more time to devote to a furry friend.
Local rescue organizations and breeders face unprecedented interest, with many setting up long waiting lists for pet lovers but they also worry that, once COVID-19 ends — or the novelty of owning a pet does — many pandemic pets will be abandoned by their new owners.
That’s why, if you’re considering adopting a dog, cat or other animal, it’s important to make sure you’re prepared for the responsibility and the changes having a pet will create.
Here are few tips to make sure you’re ready:
1. Are you really ready? Pets depend on humans for all their needs — are you prepared to care for them long term?
2. What pet or breed do you want? Whether you’re a dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig or even rat person — or whether you have a preference for a particular breed of animal — each type has different needs from grooming and feeding to exercising, playing and socializing. Before adopting a pet, research the needs of different animals and breeds to make sure you’re up for the demands of being an owner.
3. What pet is best for where you live? A Great Dane is probably not the best breed for a bachelor apartment and a garden that’s not fenced in might not be suitable for a dog or rabbit you plan on letting roam in and out of your house. Think about what kind and size pet makes the most sense.
4. Is it allowed? Some apartment and condo buildings prohibit pets or have restrictions on the kinds of pets you can keep at home. Check with your landlord or building management before making a final decision.
5. Can you afford it? Becoming a pet papa or mama can be pricey — from purchasing the animal to supplies like food and toys to veterinary exams and health insurance. Add up the monthly and annual costs to see whether owning a pet is an expense you’re ready to commit to.
No matter what kind of pet you settle on, it’s important to do your research. Here and here are good places to start.
Are you considering adopting a pet? Have you already done so? Please share your questions and experiences with the Shop Talk blog community members—we always love hearing from you.

Did you know: Owning a pet is a big responsibility
Some 2.4 million healthy dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters each year because there’s no one to adopt them. If you’re thinking of adopting an animal, visit your local shelter first (Source)
I just lost my German Shepherd full-blooded 140 lb purebred German Shepherd short hair his name is Buddy he’s my best friend my protector I could walk at three in the morning to the store a mile away if you walk right beside me nobody would dare come near me what he would or is keeping them up doing he was just a good dog I had nothing to sleep two weeks ago he was 11 years old how it hurt me to lose him I still cries my dog buddy he was a good beautiful dog every marking on him was perfect he got sick and had to put him to sleep I’ll always remember my buddy. I real WOULD love to find out about getting a new puppy German Shepherd I adopted him the animal control in pahrump Nevada he was 10 months old he was getting ready to get euthanized that day I had him 11 years his veterinarian told me he would live to be he oversized grow German Shepherd and that he was 140 lbs beautiful dog perfect and I’m ready for a new one because I miss my buddy so bad I would like to get another one like buddy hope you can help me
I was adopted by a cat last September. I wanted a companion cat. She is a perfect companion. She wants to be with me always, she “talks” to me and I talk to her. She is clearly grateful to be in my home after 2+ months in the kennel. When I first saw her, I scratched her neck, she sat up, meowed, purred and purred. I changed her name from Diva to Sweetie because she is so sweet!
Pets are a good source of companionship as they provide you with love and comfort.
Not planning on owning or adopting a pet at this time
Sixteen years ago we adopted a Golden Retriever that we had for 15 years. He was so enjoyable and added so much to our lives!
I have 10 cats, all rescues so I’m really not looking to adopt any but I do know that it’s very important to know and understand what you are getting into not only for the well-being of the new pet, but for you as well.
Yes, we have a dog already, but he does not have someone else who regularly grooms him, except me. So, I have even considered something like a dog set I saw at a store. The item was at an antique shop; do you recommend getting him a nicer accessory to maybe “spruce him up” even from there?
If you don’t have the money for the up keep then maybe you should wait a bit before getting a pet. 😍
Thank u but I have enough pets.
I love animals and we had to put our last two dogs down so right now I am not ready for another dog. It was just too hard the last two times. We do have bird and he is a joy. Eventually, I think I will be ready for another dog.
Well since we have had the unfixed furry felines moved into our single room efficiency temporarily, the cats have been able to make at least one new addition to the family. And, Since there was only one in the litter, we ended up keeping her. So I don’t think I can or should adopt anymore. But we have a comfy cozy li
Pets can be very expensive, especially as they age. Just like humans, they have more health issues. Pet ownership is a big responsibility that shouldn’t be entered into without a lot of thought. And, if you can, please adopt, not shop for a pet.
I love my Pom and pets are awesome for most people, but please let’s not forget that we need our freedom back much more that staying locked up with a new pet
I want a pet but do not think I am ready for one right now, Hopefully soon I will be ready